"Life is far too important a thing to ever talk seriously about." - Oscar Wilde
So, it's been a while...what can I say? Sometimes I just don't have anything to say!
Well, that's not so true. I've always got something to talk about - the question is whether or not it is interesting enough to say aloud or write down!
Truthfully, I worry a bit about blogging. I have no idea who is reading this...what if I say something to offend someone? Or, maybe even worse, what if NO ONE is reading it? Does it matter? Isn't this just supposed to be my personal blog, my own (sort of ) unedited ramblings? Is it just a way to journal for my own peace of mind? Or is it more?
To be honest, I'd have to admit that my desire to blog comes from a personal desire to "connect" with others in some way. Not necessarily person-to-person - not that that wouldn't be nice on occasion - to meet others online with similar interests and all. But rather, my desire to blog comes more from a desire to connect "on another level"... the hope that maybe, just possibly, something going on in my life or in my mind (or heart) finds its way out to someone else out there going through something similar. You know - the whole "we are not alone" thing. And then, even better, maybe something I write just happens to offer encouragement or hope to that person. This comes from the whole "we all have a purpose in life" thing. I think that is truly what motivates me to blog.
I don't believe that anything I write here will change the world. My thoughts are so random, as are the people, places, and events that concern me in this life. One day I may really be torn to pieces about human rights issues across the globe, and the next day I may be super-excited about the perfect favors for my son's birthday party! So, there is no telling what may end up on this site!
What I do hope is that, no matter what the topic is, when I blog about whatever topic comes to mind, it will serve to help put the details of life in the proper perspective - definitely for me, and hopefully for you, too.
After all, our thoughts and feelings may seem to be "random" at times - but our purpose for living is not! :)
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.