Wow...okay. I have actually done this! I've been wanting to start "blogging" for a while now, but hesitated for several reasons, which are probably the same reasons you haven't started your own blog if you are reading this right now and don't have a "blog of your own". Can we call that a "BOYO"? That can be a new term, right? Used in a sentence, for instance, if someone posted something crude or hateful on my blogspot, I'd answer, "Hey, buddy! Don't spew that stuff on my blog! Get a BOYO!!!" What do you think? I think it's going to catch on. :)
So anyway, my reasons for not blogging would be the typical ones... no one cares what I have to say (probably true), it takes too much time and I'm too busy with other priorities (definitely true), I'll embarass myself and my loved ones (good chance of that), people will make unkind comments and disagree with me on everything (good chance of that, too)... blah blah blah...
But, I've still wanted to do it. I guess I, like everyone else in the world, think I have something important to say that MUST be said... to the whole world! (Even though I know that the number of people who will actually read my blog is miniscule.) :)
Anyway, the truth is that I actually talk or write to think, so this is perfect for me. If you and I were just having a conversation, my words would usually just come out kind of "unedited". So, writing them down allows me to do the brain drain thing, and still go back and actually edit what has come out. You know... I'm the kind of person who speaks, and then regretfully says, "Did I actually say that out loud???"
And, truthfully, I LOVE the thought that there might actually be people out there who will actually be interested in reading this and commenting on it... and that maybe, just maybe, I really do have something of value to say that will be encouraging or helpful to someone out there...maybe you. And, hopefully, there will be many of you "out there" who have something encouraging and helpful and "of value" to share with me. :)
The trigger that got me to actually start this thing was that I just began a "Walking Challenge" with some friends of mine, and, desiring to have a place where we can connect our ideas, thoughts, motivational and inspirational ideas, and share our successes and failures, I thought this would be a good idea that might just work... so, Ta-Da!
I am looking forward to learning more about "blogging", and having a BOMO ("blog of my own"). I welcome your comments, suggestions, tips, questions, etc.... My only request is that we all refrain from using profanity or any kind of language that my mother and children couldn't read along with me (one children can't actually read yet)!
I pray that this "blogspot" will be used, above all, to glorify my Father in Heaven, to encourage others, and to share the Good News and all of the inspiration and life-changing joy that comes with it!
1 comment:
hey... i have a blog too, for the reason you stated, i.e. I write to get my thoughts out and to share information that I encounter in all of my websurfing! Please add me to your list of blogs - and I am excited to see what all you have to say.
Thanks for the encouragement on our walking challenge. I am pretty pitiful right now... wondering if I will ever get out of the desert! (I'm on the cross-country trek!) lol
My blog
Talk to you soon!
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