Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beginning a Bible Study

I am so excited to have begun a new "Beth Moore Bible Study" at church this past week! A wonderful group of ladies came to share in Beth's first study "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place". We are using the updated version of her study and after just one week I have been so blessed! I have truly missed participating in one of these has been such a long time!

I always find that when I am devoting myself to a structured Bible study such as this, my life just seems to fall into place in a way that just "makes more sense". Everything seems to be so much more "natural", and my list of priorities becomes so much more clear. I know this is because the Lord is making good on His promises, in which He commands us to: "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:4) & Matthew 6:33 which states,"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Isn't it amazing how the Lord knows our own hearts better than we know ourselves? And if we just trust Him in this, and allow Him to lead and guide us, to have control over our lives, and the way we live them, then He will bless us, and His Spirit will guide us into living that life of abundance for which we are always searching, trying everything from fad diets to Oprah's book club to find!

So for me, making this Bible study a priority is one way of surrendering to Him. The rewards are so great.... an "ordered" life, a sense of purpose, and most of all, time with my Lord and an opportunity to know Him better, and therefore know myself a little better....

If you are searching - searching for answers, searching for your purpose, searching for your sense of identity - then I would just like to suggest that you realize that you will not find those answers anywhere but in turning to God. He is your Creator, He made you and He knows you better than you know yourself. He cares for every last hair on your head - he even has them numbered! Turn to Him.... study His Word so that you will know Him better. And in knowing Him, you'll know more about yourself.