It is my privilege to currently serve on the Board of Directors for Gibsontown Ministries. Gibsontown is a low-income housing community within the city of Kingsport that is home to many who are in need. There are low-income housing apartments, as well as many rental and personally owned homes in this area. The needs of the individuals and families in this area run from deep financial need, to the need for encouragement, friendship, support and prayer. But most of all, the need for Christ in their daily lives is the one we all have in common, and it is the one that is the main focus of Gibsontown Ministries.
GM was formed several years ago when a friend who attends church with me, Sherree Williams, began a Bible study right smack dab in the middle of Gibsontown at a building owned by the Sullivan Baptist Association. This building formerly housed a church, however, it had not been used for that purpose in a while.
Sherree picked up on the fact that many of the ladies attending her Bible study had small children or grandchildren in their daily care, and one of the immediate needs most of them had was for diapers. She began asking people she knew for donations of money and diapers, and “Diapers and Devotions” was born. Every person who attended the Bible study would receive a package of diapers to help meet their need.
“Diapers and Devotions” now meets twice weekly. Attendance averages around 70 - 90 individuals at each meeting! It has become an incredible way to reach out to others with the love of Christ, in both a spiritual and a physical way.
Sherree has gotten to know the attendees, and she has become aware of many of their needs for things such as clothing, food, child care, help with applying for and getting employment, and more. Some of the ladies have been and are still in jail or prison. Sherree has helped them as well, visiting them in prison, writing to them, helping to meet the needs of their families. And, she has even taken their children to live with her in her own home for as long as over a year while they served their sentences.
At least half of the Bible study attendees are non-believers, Sherree says, and six women have come to Christ so far through the ministry of the Bible study. But the ministry is a huge personal challenge much of the time, she adds.
“So many days I feel discouraged and wonder if there is ever any change. There is so much generational sin and problems that stem from all that – drugs, incest, sexual abuse, alcoholism, and on and on. God just reminds me that I am there out of obedience to Him; I am not the Holy Spirit! I just pray that the seeds that are planted go deep, even if I never see the outcome.”
Along the way, Sherree has appealed to the hearts of many others who are now coming alongside her to serve in this ministry. From leading women and men’s Bible study groups, to providing child care services, to giving individuals rides to doctor’s appointments, court appearances, and job interviews, many have been inspired to serve the people of Gibsontown Ministries in many ways.
The program has recently been adopted by Summit Leadership Foundation as one of its outreach ministries. Summit has helped us to form the board of directors, secure a rental contract from the Sullivan Baptist Association for the use of the building they own in Gibsontown, is assisting us with initial fundraising and connecting to resources, and helping to incubate us to become their own charitable organization.
Yes, we do spend a large portion of our time and monies focusing on meeting the physical and immediate needs of the individuals of this community. However, by doing so, we are given the opportunity to tend to the main mission and goal of Gibsontown Ministries: To share Christ and the Good News of the Gospel with each and everyone within our reach!
If you are interested in learning more about Gibsontown Ministries, or if you would be interested in partnering with us, through volunteering or on a financial basis, you may contact us by going to the website of Summit Leadership Foundation, which is All checks must be made out to Summit Leadership Foundation, and you MUST designate that they are for “Gibsontown Ministries” in the “for” line at the bottom left side of your check. You may make a one time contribution, or you may decide to partner with us to support us financially on a regular (monthly, annual, etc…) basis. We will also accept “in kind” donations, such as diapers, items for infants and children, clothing, and non-perishable food.
Most of all, we certainly appreciate your prayers for this ministry, for the leaders and volunteers involved, and especially for those we hope to serve and share the love of Christ!
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