Well, my friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am proud to say that we survived another "Extreme Porter Family Thanksgiving"!!! My mother cooked the most fabulous meal for us, once again! We stuffed ourselves with turkey, cornbread dressing, gravy, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans AND green bean casserole, cranberry salad, broccoli casserole, corn, dinner rolls, fruit, pumpkin cake, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream! We couldn't have moved another muscle if we wanted to. That's why it was so hard to find help cleaning up the kitchen, ahem....
With all of us there, there were eight adults and nine grandchildren: my parents, James and me and our two boys, my sister, her husband and their three kids, and my brother, his wife and their four. For some reason, when these normally well-behaved cousins all gather together at Nannah & Poppa's, chaos rules! It is wonderful to see them all together, and we are so thankful and blessed that they all love each other so much. We treasure our time together, even though it can get a little crazy at times.
It's inevitable when we get together, that the noise level will continue to rise until it hits fever pitch...and then it starts coming back down to normal as we settle into the evening, playing games, watching favorite movies together, "enjoying" our extremely important philosophical discussions on religion, politics and life in general. As Dad builds a magnificent fire in the fireplace, and the children begin to fall asleep in their sleeping bags for their annual Thanksgiving night sleepover at Nannah and Poppa's, we are blessed to sit back in comfort and warmth, counting our blessings, especially the blessing of being "HOME" with the ones you love, and those who love you.
One of the highlights of this Thanksgiving evening, besides my mom's incomparable cooking, was a story that my brother, Brandon, a pastor, shared with us at the table. He had recently shared this story with his congregation as part of a sermon, and the message that went with it was very convicting...
The story he shared was very personal, as it involved his children, and how one day they nearly lost one of them. A search ensued, and after what seemed like hours had passed (which was actually only minutes), they found the child... inside their car in the garage. As Brandon went into great detail describing the search, and the feelings that overtook him throughout that entire nerve-wracking, heart-pounding ordeal, we all couldn't help but break into tears, daring to imagine how it might feel to lose one we loved with all our hearts, and what we would do or endure to find them again. We would give up everything, we would do anything, we would go anywhere...just to find them!!! That passion for finding that ONE and bringing them home takes precedence over everything else that may have ever seemed of importance in our lives. Careers, jobs, fame, fortune, popularity, homes, cars, clothing, even food, ALL take a backseat and become negligible in importance in comparison to finding the ONE you love!
Then, Brandon described how that exact feeling is exactly what the Lord feels for each one of us...each and every one who is lost. His passion for each of us is no less than what we, as parents, feel. In fact, what the Lord feels for each of us is even MUCH more than we could even imagine feeling for anyone else! And, He feels that way for us no matter what our circumstances, no matter who we are, what we have done, where we have gone...the Lord passionately wants to gather us into His arms and bring us home into His loving care. He is "Home", a home full of grace, mercy, forgiveness and love. The Bible tells us exactly how He cares for each ONE, in Luke 15:4-10:
“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”
The rest of Luke 15 is the story of the Prodigal Son. In this parable, Jesus tells us how the Father rejoices when the lost son returns home, even after he has left home and squandered his entire inheritance on a sinful lifestyle. The Father's irrepressible joy is shown to us in the way he is STILL LOOKING for his son to come home. In fact, he is looking so hard that he actually SEES HIM ARRIVING from far off in the distance and RUNS TO MEET HIM! He embraces him, and calls for a celebration!!! Even though the son is begging forgiveness, and that his father will take him into his home as a slave, the father says "Nonsense!", and welcomes him back home as his son, with all the rights thereof!
That is how our Father in Heaven feels about each of us. He is LOOKING for us! He RUNS to meet us!!! He takes us into his arms and embraces us!!! He CELEBRATES our homecoming!!! And He brings us into the family as one of His own, as full and rightful heirs to His Kingdom!
How incredible is it to know that we have such a Father? Oh, how much we have to be thankful for, on this and every day!
My friends, I pray that each of you will understand the true PASSION that the Lord has for YOU, personally. I pray that you will seek Him, and turn from that vacant, senseless, passionless existence you are living and RUN HOME to Him! He is looking to meet you with open arms and celebration!
And I pray that each of you who already has come Home will feel the same PASSION for SHARING THE GOSPEL WITH OTHERS, the same passion that He has for bringing us home...let us share that and lead our fellow brothers and sisters to the Lord - welcoming them HOME!!!
May God bless you on this Thanksgiving!
Tronworld - it's where and how I'm living until "that day" when I'm with my Creator! While I'm waiting...I will worship, hope, serve, obey, love, and strive to live life boldly for Christ every day of this life I have been given!
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ..." - Philippians 3:20 (NKJV)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Travelin' Tuesday
Okay, here's the deal: Yes, our family is a little bit, how do you say it, NUTS about Disney World! We have been many, many, MANY times...in fact, my first trip to WDW was at the age of two, in November of 1971, the year WDW first opened! My husband and I went to WDW on our honeymoon, which was also his first trip there, ever. He fell in love with it, thankfully (otherwise, I would have had serious reservations as to how long this marriage might have lasted!), and we bought into the Disney Vacation Club - one of the best things we've EVER done! So, we've planned and plotted many a trip to WDW over the years. And yes, that is us with the one and only Samantha Brown at the Saratoga Springs Resort in Disney World in February of 2008, just before I gave birth to our second son, William, a month later. I love her show on the Travel Channel, and was so excited to meet her!
Just like, Ms. Brown, I love to travel, and I love to do all the plotting and planning that it takes to make sure you are fully prepared for a wonderful vacation. After all, when you are able to round up all your loved ones at the same time, AND have enough money to go on a trip, you want to make sure that you fully enjoy it! As they say, "Failing to plan is planning to fail!" So true in this case - especially if you are planning a trip to Walt Disney World!
If you are planning a trip for your family to the wonderful world of Walt Disney World, I urge you to go online to visit the ladies (and men) of the Disney Mom's Panel. The website is: http://disneyworldforum.disney.go.com/home.aspx. The Disney Mom's Panel provides an excellent way to help you plan the vacation of your dreams by providing information that YOU need!
Disney selects their Mom's Panel on an annual basis from over 20,000 to 30,000 applicants. The field of applicants is subsequently narrowed down in two more rounds, until they have come up with their finalists, who have gone through an extensive telephone interview with a panel of Disney employees. In 2010, there will be a total of twenty panelists, from all I've heard, ten full time, and ten part time panelists. These panelists will represent a well-rounded cross-section of the typical family that goes to Disney World. Whether you have an infant, a group of teenagers, or a child with disabilities, you will find someone on the panel who can answer YOUR questions.
Those who have been chosen have successfully demonstrated their passion for Disney, and their knowledge of the parks and what it takes to have a safe and happy trip. Before they begin their year-long position, they are put through further training at WDW to make sure they are thoroughly familiar with the Parks, Resort hotels, dining and entertainment, shopping, and recreational activities.
If you log onto the website, you can ask them a question you may have about planning your trip, such as, "How far ahead do I need to book my dining reservations for Cinderella's Royal Table?" Once you post your question, one of the "Disney Mom's" will provide an answer to your question on the on-line forum. You may also read the questions and answers that have been posted by others.
Whatever your idea is for the "perfect" vacation at WDW, the Disney Mom's Panel is a great way to get started as you plan your Walt Disney World vacation of a lifetime!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday's Ministry
It is my privilege to currently serve on the Board of Directors for Gibsontown Ministries. Gibsontown is a low-income housing community within the city of Kingsport that is home to many who are in need. There are low-income housing apartments, as well as many rental and personally owned homes in this area. The needs of the individuals and families in this area run from deep financial need, to the need for encouragement, friendship, support and prayer. But most of all, the need for Christ in their daily lives is the one we all have in common, and it is the one that is the main focus of Gibsontown Ministries.
GM was formed several years ago when a friend who attends church with me, Sherree Williams, began a Bible study right smack dab in the middle of Gibsontown at a building owned by the Sullivan Baptist Association. This building formerly housed a church, however, it had not been used for that purpose in a while.
Sherree picked up on the fact that many of the ladies attending her Bible study had small children or grandchildren in their daily care, and one of the immediate needs most of them had was for diapers. She began asking people she knew for donations of money and diapers, and “Diapers and Devotions” was born. Every person who attended the Bible study would receive a package of diapers to help meet their need.
“Diapers and Devotions” now meets twice weekly. Attendance averages around 70 - 90 individuals at each meeting! It has become an incredible way to reach out to others with the love of Christ, in both a spiritual and a physical way.
Sherree has gotten to know the attendees, and she has become aware of many of their needs for things such as clothing, food, child care, help with applying for and getting employment, and more. Some of the ladies have been and are still in jail or prison. Sherree has helped them as well, visiting them in prison, writing to them, helping to meet the needs of their families. And, she has even taken their children to live with her in her own home for as long as over a year while they served their sentences.
At least half of the Bible study attendees are non-believers, Sherree says, and six women have come to Christ so far through the ministry of the Bible study. But the ministry is a huge personal challenge much of the time, she adds.
“So many days I feel discouraged and wonder if there is ever any change. There is so much generational sin and problems that stem from all that – drugs, incest, sexual abuse, alcoholism, and on and on. God just reminds me that I am there out of obedience to Him; I am not the Holy Spirit! I just pray that the seeds that are planted go deep, even if I never see the outcome.”
Along the way, Sherree has appealed to the hearts of many others who are now coming alongside her to serve in this ministry. From leading women and men’s Bible study groups, to providing child care services, to giving individuals rides to doctor’s appointments, court appearances, and job interviews, many have been inspired to serve the people of Gibsontown Ministries in many ways.
The program has recently been adopted by Summit Leadership Foundation as one of its outreach ministries. Summit has helped us to form the board of directors, secure a rental contract from the Sullivan Baptist Association for the use of the building they own in Gibsontown, is assisting us with initial fundraising and connecting to resources, and helping to incubate us to become their own charitable organization.
Yes, we do spend a large portion of our time and monies focusing on meeting the physical and immediate needs of the individuals of this community. However, by doing so, we are given the opportunity to tend to the main mission and goal of Gibsontown Ministries: To share Christ and the Good News of the Gospel with each and everyone within our reach!
If you are interested in learning more about Gibsontown Ministries, or if you would be interested in partnering with us, through volunteering or on a financial basis, you may contact us by going to the website of Summit Leadership Foundation, which is www.summitleadership.org. All checks must be made out to Summit Leadership Foundation, and you MUST designate that they are for “Gibsontown Ministries” in the “for” line at the bottom left side of your check. You may make a one time contribution, or you may decide to partner with us to support us financially on a regular (monthly, annual, etc…) basis. We will also accept “in kind” donations, such as diapers, items for infants and children, clothing, and non-perishable food.
Most of all, we certainly appreciate your prayers for this ministry, for the leaders and volunteers involved, and especially for those we hope to serve and share the love of Christ!
GM was formed several years ago when a friend who attends church with me, Sherree Williams, began a Bible study right smack dab in the middle of Gibsontown at a building owned by the Sullivan Baptist Association. This building formerly housed a church, however, it had not been used for that purpose in a while.
Sherree picked up on the fact that many of the ladies attending her Bible study had small children or grandchildren in their daily care, and one of the immediate needs most of them had was for diapers. She began asking people she knew for donations of money and diapers, and “Diapers and Devotions” was born. Every person who attended the Bible study would receive a package of diapers to help meet their need.
“Diapers and Devotions” now meets twice weekly. Attendance averages around 70 - 90 individuals at each meeting! It has become an incredible way to reach out to others with the love of Christ, in both a spiritual and a physical way.
Sherree has gotten to know the attendees, and she has become aware of many of their needs for things such as clothing, food, child care, help with applying for and getting employment, and more. Some of the ladies have been and are still in jail or prison. Sherree has helped them as well, visiting them in prison, writing to them, helping to meet the needs of their families. And, she has even taken their children to live with her in her own home for as long as over a year while they served their sentences.
At least half of the Bible study attendees are non-believers, Sherree says, and six women have come to Christ so far through the ministry of the Bible study. But the ministry is a huge personal challenge much of the time, she adds.
“So many days I feel discouraged and wonder if there is ever any change. There is so much generational sin and problems that stem from all that – drugs, incest, sexual abuse, alcoholism, and on and on. God just reminds me that I am there out of obedience to Him; I am not the Holy Spirit! I just pray that the seeds that are planted go deep, even if I never see the outcome.”
Along the way, Sherree has appealed to the hearts of many others who are now coming alongside her to serve in this ministry. From leading women and men’s Bible study groups, to providing child care services, to giving individuals rides to doctor’s appointments, court appearances, and job interviews, many have been inspired to serve the people of Gibsontown Ministries in many ways.
The program has recently been adopted by Summit Leadership Foundation as one of its outreach ministries. Summit has helped us to form the board of directors, secure a rental contract from the Sullivan Baptist Association for the use of the building they own in Gibsontown, is assisting us with initial fundraising and connecting to resources, and helping to incubate us to become their own charitable organization.
Yes, we do spend a large portion of our time and monies focusing on meeting the physical and immediate needs of the individuals of this community. However, by doing so, we are given the opportunity to tend to the main mission and goal of Gibsontown Ministries: To share Christ and the Good News of the Gospel with each and everyone within our reach!
If you are interested in learning more about Gibsontown Ministries, or if you would be interested in partnering with us, through volunteering or on a financial basis, you may contact us by going to the website of Summit Leadership Foundation, which is www.summitleadership.org. All checks must be made out to Summit Leadership Foundation, and you MUST designate that they are for “Gibsontown Ministries” in the “for” line at the bottom left side of your check. You may make a one time contribution, or you may decide to partner with us to support us financially on a regular (monthly, annual, etc…) basis. We will also accept “in kind” donations, such as diapers, items for infants and children, clothing, and non-perishable food.
Most of all, we certainly appreciate your prayers for this ministry, for the leaders and volunteers involved, and especially for those we hope to serve and share the love of Christ!
Christian outreach,
get involved,
serving others
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome to my blog! If you've been reading, you know that I've been a little bit "all over the place" up to this point in regards to blogging. I just haven't been able to decide on a direction! But, I may be getting on track now...or at least beginning to get on track...
I have decided to have "theme days" on my blog...not everyday, all the time, but sometimes. I like the idea of the following theme days (let me know what you think!): Monday's Ministry, Travelin' Tuesdays, Worshipful Wednesdays, Thinner Thursdays, Family & Friends Friday, Saturdays with Style, and Sundays are the "So Blessed, Day of Rest" days. These are subject to change. :)
Saturdays with Style is exciting to me, because I have always been obsessed with design, especially interior decorating and event planning. I have enjoyed decorating our homes over the years, & helping family and friends decorate theirs. I've also had several opportunities to work as an event and wedding stylist. I've been a little bit of a "jack of all trades", doing everything from assisting the client with choosing a theme, doing the actual styling and floral arrangements for the event, to even doing the catering and "food styling"! I love this work, but it is HARD and time consuming! And, it tends to put my loved ones through the wringer because I always call upon them for help. :) So, I limit the number of events I take on each year.
I love design, decorating, and staging so much that a couple of years ago I became a certified specialist in "Redesign & Staging" by IRIS (Interior Redesign Industry Specialists), and also as a "Certified Color Consultant" by Dewey Color Consulting.
My plans at the time were to begin my own business in redesign, staging and event planning, and I started out doing this with a friend in a business we called Interior Expressions. However, I became pregnant in the early days of our business with my second child, William, and this brought all of my plans to an abrupt halt. (My pregnancies are another blog story altogether - I am always out of commission for the full nine months.) So, I had to postpone my dream of my own business for a time. Thankfully, my friend was able to go on and successfully establish her own business as a real estate agent and staging/redesign specialist.
I hope to start up a business again one day soon. For now, I am content to help out friends and family whenever I can, and loan my services to charities on occasion, as I am raising my sons and addressing a few health issues. Maybe by next year I'll be ready to get it going again, if I can narrow all of my interests down into a marketable product/service! We'll see what the Good Lord has in store!
But for now, on Saturdays with Style, I'd love to take the opportunity to share some of the ideas that I've either had and implemented, or some of the great ones that are shared with me by so many of the talented individuals I know. Sometimes, I may just run across something on the internet, in a shop, or in a magazine that just calls out to be shared! I'd love to see and hear about the stylish ideas you love! Just email them directly to me if you want to share! Who knows? I may want to "borrow" them, with your permission, for Saturdays with Style! :)
Since today's blog entry has been so long, I will only share with you a few pictures of some of the table decorations I created for an autumn wedding reception at the gorgeous Allandale Mansion in Kingsport last fall.
I'm inspired to post these today because my church had their annual Women's Ministries Holiday Dinner last night. At this event, many of the wonderful ladies share their gifts and talents by beautifully decorating a table for the holidays with their own personal style, and serving for the evening as a hostess to seven guests, for dinner and a wonderful program of entertainment, which includes music, skits, and a speaker. I was so sad to miss this year's event! I usually help decorate for the event and serve as a hostess for one of the tables, but this year I have had a lot of health issues that prevented me from attending. I am sure it was an incredible event, however, and I can't wait to see the pictures! I am sure they will be posted on our Women's Minsitries blogsite very soon: www.isbcwm.blogspot.com.
So, today, I hope you'll enjoy these pictures of table arrangements that I designed for the wedding reception. I did the floral arranging and styling, as well as the catering for this event.
In the weeks ahead, I will share some more photos of the other decorations, such as the entry, doors, etc... from the same reception. In the meantime, maybe you will find some ideas among these that you would like to include for your own table decor this season! Enjoy!
It rained before the reception, so we had to fold the chairs for a while:
autumn decor,
event planning,
floral arrangements,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays
That old song by the Carpenters..."Rainy days and Mondays always get me down..." is so melancholy and sad! "Hangin' around, nothin' to do but frown..." Is that the truth? Is there really nothing to do but frown on days like today? Sometimes it sure feels that way, but it doesn't have to be the case.
How do you spend a rainy Monday? Since I am a homemaker and mommy, I usually spend it at home, doing things such as surfing the internet and letting the kids watch too much TV. But, at the end of the day, that doesn't seem to be a great use of my time...and it is kind of leading me to frown now that I regret the way I've spent this time. After all, maybe I could and should look at this type of day as a gift, a time to do things that are out of the ordinary, and not the usual run, run, run day that is typical to most of us? So, is surfing the net and watching movies really a productive way to spend it?
Since we are all recovering from recent bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis, getting out and running around in this type of weather is not the best idea. So, stay at home we must. And, maybe I should have been motivated to do some things that are more productive, such as clean out closets, cabinets and refrigerators. But, no, I was not motivated to do such things.
However, here at the end of the day, I do feel that I'm missed a really good opportunity to connect with my children on a day like today. So, as I sit here, I have become motivated to put together a "Rainy Day Treasure Trove" - a box full of games, crafts, recipes, and ideas for things to do with my children on future days such as today.
This treasure trove is going to include things as elaborate as planning our next trip to Disneyworld together, to things as simple as building a tent indoors to climb into and read books together.
Do you have a "Rainy Day Treasure Trove"? What are some of your favorite ideas and activities? I'd love to hear from you!
How do you spend a rainy Monday? Since I am a homemaker and mommy, I usually spend it at home, doing things such as surfing the internet and letting the kids watch too much TV. But, at the end of the day, that doesn't seem to be a great use of my time...and it is kind of leading me to frown now that I regret the way I've spent this time. After all, maybe I could and should look at this type of day as a gift, a time to do things that are out of the ordinary, and not the usual run, run, run day that is typical to most of us? So, is surfing the net and watching movies really a productive way to spend it?
Since we are all recovering from recent bouts of pneumonia and bronchitis, getting out and running around in this type of weather is not the best idea. So, stay at home we must. And, maybe I should have been motivated to do some things that are more productive, such as clean out closets, cabinets and refrigerators. But, no, I was not motivated to do such things.
However, here at the end of the day, I do feel that I'm missed a really good opportunity to connect with my children on a day like today. So, as I sit here, I have become motivated to put together a "Rainy Day Treasure Trove" - a box full of games, crafts, recipes, and ideas for things to do with my children on future days such as today.
This treasure trove is going to include things as elaborate as planning our next trip to Disneyworld together, to things as simple as building a tent indoors to climb into and read books together.
Do you have a "Rainy Day Treasure Trove"? What are some of your favorite ideas and activities? I'd love to hear from you!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
nEARly Disney Moms Panelist!
Maybe you are wondering why I have chosen the retro Disney World ad as the profile picture for my blog? Most of my friends and family know what a huge Disney fan I am. In fact, it has always been my dream to work for Disney, and that's a dream that I still haven't given up on. I applied to the Disney college work program when I was a student at the University of Tennessee many, many years ago. Alas, it was not to be. They had a requirement that you were a major in either Hotel/Restaurant Management or Business. My major was in Education/Exercise Physiology. That didn't stop me from applying, and I did get an interview. And in the interview I tried to convince them that I would make a wonderful lifeguard, fitness center manager, even street sweeper!!...but they weren't buying it. I seriously considered changing my major at that point, just to improve my chances the next year, but when my boyfriend (now husband) told me how relieved he was that I wouldn't be spending the summer apart from him, I realized it was all for the best - at that time. Well, I admit - I did consider dropping him for half a minute before I came to my senses...hah!
But as I said, the dream lives on! Disney now has this wonderful new program called the "Disney Moms Panel". They choose a panel of 16 moms, and last year they also chose one dad, to serve for a year as panelists who answer questions about traveling to Disney World posed by visitors to the Disney website. The panelists enjoy a free trip to Disney World to go through the Moms Panel training and learn as much as they possibly can about the company, the parks, and what it means to be an important part of "Team Disney". They then spend a year answering questions and posting their favorite tips online. It is a wonderful honor and a great opportunity. For many of the moms, it has even led to permanent opportunities with Disney (what a dream come true!!!).
The first year I applied, last year, I didn't make it past the first round. However, the "losers" were invited to join a special "Mickey Moms Club" online. This was an opportunity to stay connected to the action and keep abreast of the latest information.
This year, I applied once again, and made it to the second round! I admit, I was getting my hopes up. But, alas, the second round was where my journey ended. It was a great disappointment, to say the least. But there was a silver lining....
By a strange happenstance, several of us "rejects" ended up on an email list together, so we had the opportunity to exchange emails and commiserate with one another on our rejection status. We even formed a Facebook page for the "nEARly Disney Moms Panelists" in which we are all now exchanging our own information and ideas with one another. Even though we aren't the "Real Deal", it has been great fun to connect with this bunch of moms and dads who are Disney fanatics, just like me!
What I have found out, also, is that so many of them have the same dreams as I have had - to work for Disney in some capacity. In fact, many of them have made this a part of their life goals, and they are working diligently toward achieving it. I have been astounded at the knowledge they all have regarding Disney, and how intensely they follow the latest news and updates on the parks and "all things Disney"!
At first, I was a little taken aback at the level of fanaticism I was encountering. After all, for me, it has been maybe just a little more than a "pipe dream". I would LOVE it to happen, but I haven't lost sleep over losing out. But after I began reading the Facebook pages, blogs and even websites of so many of my new friends, I began to realize - you know, this could be MORE than a pipe dream for me, too! I could really get serious about this! It could actually become a reality one day! I have really been very motivated by the opportunities that could ensue.
I have also been impressed at the entire world of "mommy blogging" on the internet! There are so many talented, smart, and savvy women out there who are doing an incredible job at sharing their knowledge and best tips on topics such as parenting, wellness, cooking, creativity, finances, product reviews, and more. And many of them have been very successful at parlaying this into a way to make some extra money through mommy blogging. It is something that has intrigued me for a while, and now I am interested in exploring this path a little further.
So, though this "random blogger" will definitely continue to be random for now, you will definitely catch me blogging on these issues - "mommy blogging", product reviews, ideas and tips for improving our quality of life, healthcare issues, and of course, DISNEY! I can promise all this and more...and I definitely look forward to reading your ideas and knowledge as you feel led to share it with me!
So, at this point, this "nEARly a Disney Mom Panelist", is content to continue exploring and learning.... looking forward to becoming closer and closer to whatever it is I'm supposed to eventually become. I want to encourage you to also find the thing you are passionate enough to "nEARly be", and continue exploring and working toward BECOMING the "real deal"!
But as I said, the dream lives on! Disney now has this wonderful new program called the "Disney Moms Panel". They choose a panel of 16 moms, and last year they also chose one dad, to serve for a year as panelists who answer questions about traveling to Disney World posed by visitors to the Disney website. The panelists enjoy a free trip to Disney World to go through the Moms Panel training and learn as much as they possibly can about the company, the parks, and what it means to be an important part of "Team Disney". They then spend a year answering questions and posting their favorite tips online. It is a wonderful honor and a great opportunity. For many of the moms, it has even led to permanent opportunities with Disney (what a dream come true!!!).
The first year I applied, last year, I didn't make it past the first round. However, the "losers" were invited to join a special "Mickey Moms Club" online. This was an opportunity to stay connected to the action and keep abreast of the latest information.
This year, I applied once again, and made it to the second round! I admit, I was getting my hopes up. But, alas, the second round was where my journey ended. It was a great disappointment, to say the least. But there was a silver lining....
By a strange happenstance, several of us "rejects" ended up on an email list together, so we had the opportunity to exchange emails and commiserate with one another on our rejection status. We even formed a Facebook page for the "nEARly Disney Moms Panelists" in which we are all now exchanging our own information and ideas with one another. Even though we aren't the "Real Deal", it has been great fun to connect with this bunch of moms and dads who are Disney fanatics, just like me!
What I have found out, also, is that so many of them have the same dreams as I have had - to work for Disney in some capacity. In fact, many of them have made this a part of their life goals, and they are working diligently toward achieving it. I have been astounded at the knowledge they all have regarding Disney, and how intensely they follow the latest news and updates on the parks and "all things Disney"!
At first, I was a little taken aback at the level of fanaticism I was encountering. After all, for me, it has been maybe just a little more than a "pipe dream". I would LOVE it to happen, but I haven't lost sleep over losing out. But after I began reading the Facebook pages, blogs and even websites of so many of my new friends, I began to realize - you know, this could be MORE than a pipe dream for me, too! I could really get serious about this! It could actually become a reality one day! I have really been very motivated by the opportunities that could ensue.
I have also been impressed at the entire world of "mommy blogging" on the internet! There are so many talented, smart, and savvy women out there who are doing an incredible job at sharing their knowledge and best tips on topics such as parenting, wellness, cooking, creativity, finances, product reviews, and more. And many of them have been very successful at parlaying this into a way to make some extra money through mommy blogging. It is something that has intrigued me for a while, and now I am interested in exploring this path a little further.
So, though this "random blogger" will definitely continue to be random for now, you will definitely catch me blogging on these issues - "mommy blogging", product reviews, ideas and tips for improving our quality of life, healthcare issues, and of course, DISNEY! I can promise all this and more...and I definitely look forward to reading your ideas and knowledge as you feel led to share it with me!
So, at this point, this "nEARly a Disney Mom Panelist", is content to continue exploring and learning.... looking forward to becoming closer and closer to whatever it is I'm supposed to eventually become. I want to encourage you to also find the thing you are passionate enough to "nEARly be", and continue exploring and working toward BECOMING the "real deal"!
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